Node.js VS Python:哪个更好?
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If you are landing on this page you might be looking for several questions like:


– NodeJS or Python: which is the right choice for my next web app development project?

– NodeJS或Python:下一个Web应用程序开发项目的正确选择是什么?

– Which programming language cost me less?


– Which programming language is suitable for which industry?


– Which programming language is suitable for small business or large scale enterprises?


– Which programming language is scalable, high performing and secure?


In this blog post, I’m going to answer all these questions AND MORE THAN THAT! So, continue reading this blog post:

在这篇博文中,我将回答所有这些问题,而且不仅仅如此! 因此,请继续阅读此博客文章:

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1. Node.js VS Python:简要介绍 (1. Node.js VS Python: A Brief Intro)



Node.js (Node.js)

(majorly used as a


后端框架 (backend framework)

), and


Python (Python)



前端和后端 (front-end and back-end)

programming language) are used extensively for programming of a web app. It is vital to select a suitable framework or programming language for web app development because it is the backbone of every web app.

编程语言)被广泛用于Web应用程序的编程。 为Web应用程序开发选择合适的框架或编程语言至关重要,因为它是每个Web应用程序的骨干。

Node.js and Python are extensively used for this purpose. When you talk about Node.js or python,

为此,广泛使用Node.js和Python。 当您谈论Node.js或python时,

您实际上是在将JavaScript与Python进行比较 (you are actually comparing JavaScript with Python)

. This is because Node.js is actually a framework built on Google Chrome’s JavaScript. Python vs Javascript

。 这是因为Node.js实际上是基于Google Chrome浏览器JavaScript构建的框架。 Python与Javascript

Both of them are among the top programming languages according to the TOIBE index.


Here is the list with May 2018 and May 2019 rankings.



Python保持第四名 (Python is maintaining its fourth position )

whereas JavaScript has climbed up from


第八至第七位置 (eighth to the seventh position)

. Undoubtedly, Python is more popular than JavaScript run-time, Node.js. The web app using Python are more in number in comparison to Node.js.

。 毫无疑问,Python比JavaScript运行时Node.js更受欢迎。 与Node.js相比,使用Python的网络应用数量更多。


Source: SimilarTech


The stats depict that the


Python的普及远胜于Node.js (popularity of Python is more than Node.js)

. But this does not showcase that Python is better than Node.js in all aspects and circumstances. In fact, choosing the best technology for the development of your project is not that simple.

。 但这并不能说明Python在所有方面和所有情况下都比Node.js更好。 实际上,为项目开发选择最佳技术并不是那么简单。

It requires an in-depth analysis of various factors and facts. Let’s discuss the major aspects to solve the popular query of Node.js vs Python: Which is better?

它需要对各种因素和事实进行深入分析。 让我们讨论解决Node.js vs Python流行查询的主要方面:哪个更好?

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2. Node.js vs Python:行业使用情况统计 (2. Node.js vs Python: Usage Statistics Industry-Wise)


According to the above representation, Python is a popular choice in all domains under consideration. Python is being used since its launch in 1991 and has more coverage in websites under all categories.

根据以上表示,Python是正在考虑的所有领域中的流行选择。 自1991年发布以来,一直在使用Python,并且在所有类别的网站中都有更多的报道。


Although, this does not show a complete picture. Do you know why? It is true that Python is more popular in the entire web but NodeJs is used by top sites. Yes! NodeJS is more popular among top 100K websites, Top 10K websites, and Top 1M sites.

虽然,这不能显示完整的图片。 你知道为什么吗? 的确,Python在整个网络中更为流行,但是顶级站点使用NodeJ。 是! NodeJS在十万个顶级网站,十万个顶级网站和一百万个顶级网站中更受欢迎。


简介:Python统治着整个网络,而NodeJS统治着顶级的网络应用。 (Summary: Python rules the entire web but NodeJS rules the top web apps.)



3. Node.js vs Python:可扩展性 (3. Node.js vs Python: Scalability)


It is obvious that you want many new people to use your applications without any hindrance. The capacity of an application to support an increasing number of users without any flaw in its performance is known as scalability.

显然,您希望许多新人们都可以毫无阻碍地使用您的应用程序。 应用程序在不增加性能缺陷的情况下支持越来越多的用户的能力称为可伸缩性。

Scalability through Node.js programming can be achieved naturally as it creates asynchronous architecture in a single thread. This default feature of this Javascript framework ensures smooth scalability of application written in NodeJs code.

通过Node.js编程可以自然地实现可伸缩性,因为它可以在单个线程中创建异步体系结构。 此Javascript框架的默认功能可确保以NodeJs代码编写的应用程序具有平稳的可伸缩性。

Simple web apps can be created with a complete guarantee for scalability by using the NodeJS framework. If you wish to provide the same convenience in the complex app then you will have to hire Node.js app developers who have in-depth knowledge.

通过使用NodeJS框架,可以创建具有完全可伸缩性的简单Web应用程序。 如果您希望在复杂的应用程序中提供相同的便利,那么您将必须雇用具有深入知识的Node.js应用程序开发人员。

On the other hand, Python does not have the default feature for supporting asynchronous programming. This means that Python’s architecture is not as scalable as that of NodeJS. But Python has some tools to offer which allow achieving scalability easily.

另一方面,Python没有支持异步编程的默认功能。 这意味着Python的体系结构不如NodeJS的可扩展性。 但是Python提供了一些工具,可以轻松实现可伸缩性。

简介:与Python相比,NodeJS提供了简单的可伸缩性。 (Summary: NodeJS provides easy scalability as compared to Python.)



4. Node.js与Python:学习曲线 (4. Node.js vs Python: Learning Curve)


The learning curve is a measurement of the ability of users to write code in a particular language or framework. It depicts the fluency of web app developers in syntax and tools. In the case of NodeJS, if you know JavaScript then it will not be a problem to learn this framework.

学习曲线是对用户以特定语言或框架编写代码的能力的度量。 它描述了Web应用程序开发人员在语法和工具方面的流利程度。 对于NodeJS,如果您知道JavaScript,那么学习此框架将不是问题。

This makes it easy to learn. Probably this is the reason the NodeJS has topped the list of most popular frameworks with a remarkable score of 49.9%.

这使它易于学习。 可能这就是NodeJS以49.9%的显着得分在最受欢迎的框架之列的原因。


On the other hand, Python language is not written in a well-known language like NodeJS. So, its syntax is new to the python developers. But it has a cleaner and compact code. One can easily write its code as they have to write fewer lines.

另一方面,Python语言不是用像NodeJS这样的知名语言编写的。 因此,它的语法对python开发人员来说是新的。 但是它具有更简洁的代码。 一个人可以很轻松地编写其代码,因为他们只需要写更少的行。

A few lines of code in Python can help you reach the same result as NodeJS. Moreover, being an old language, it has well-developed documentation also. A software developer will never run short of knowledge base when it comes to Python.

Python中的几行代码可以帮助您达到与NodeJS相同的结果。 此外,作为一种古老的语言,它还具有完善的文档。 在使用Python时,软件开发人员永远不会缺乏知识库。

In the StackOverflow survey, Python is among the topmost preferred languages. Full-stack developers love to use this easy, precise, and efficient language for building apps. Here is the graphical representation of the same:

在StackOverflow调查中,Python是最受欢迎的语言之一。 全栈开发人员喜欢使用这种简单,精确和高效的语言来构建应用程序。 这是相同的图形表示:


简介:如果您不了解JavaScript,则Python比NodeJS更易于学习。 (Summary: Python is easier to learn than NodeJS if you do not know JavaScript.)



Read more: How to at 60% lost?

阅读更多:如何以60%的损失 ?

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5. Node.js与Python:合适的项目 (5. Node.js vs Python: Suitable Projects)


Node.js is ideal for small projects in web application development and website development. It is not recommended for web development companies to use this framework of javascript for large projects because it lacks clear coding standards.

Node.js是Web应用程序开发和网站开发中小型项目的理想选择。 不建议Web开发公司在大型项目中使用此javascript框架,因为它缺乏明确的编码标准。

On the other hand, Python is suitable for a vast range of projects from web apps, numerical computations, to machine learning and network programming. It is an ideal programming language to perform various tasks.

另一方面,Python适用于从Web应用程序,数值计算到机器学习和网络编程的各种项目。 它是执行各种任务的理想编程语言。

Python has several frameworks that can be used for backend like, Django, Flask, Pyramids. It also has frameworks like Tkinter/PySide which can be used at the front-end. Its precise coding makes it ideal for large projects also.

Python有几个可用于后端的框架,例如Django,Flask,Pyramids。 它还具有可以在前端使用的框架,例如Tkinter / PySide。 其精确的编码使其也非常适合大型项目。

Therefore, if you are planning to get a large project developed then choose python developers. But if you have a small business or startup then your ideal choice should be to hire NodeJS web developers.

因此,如果您打算开发大型项目,请选择python开发人员。 但是,如果您是一家小型企业或初创企业,那么理想的选择应该是雇用NodeJS Web开发人员。

简介:Node.js适用于小型项目,而python也可用于大型项目。 Python可用于执行各种操作,例如机器学习等。 (Summary: Node.js is suitable for small projects whereas python can be used for large projects also. Python can be used to do a variety of operations like machine learning etc.)



6. Node.js与Python:数据和内存密集型应用程序 (6. Node.js vs Python: Data and memory-intensive applications)


Node.js is probably the best framework of contemporary times to develop data-intensive run-time applications. For example, you can develop apps that involve chat functionality. Such apps developed by Nodejs development companies can proficiently handle proxy, queued inputs, and data-streaming.

Node.js可能是当代开发数据密集型运行时应用程序的最佳框架。 例如,您可以开发涉及聊天功能的应用程序。 由Nodejs开发公司开发的此类应用程序可以熟练处理代理,排队的输入和数据流。

The high speed offered by NodeJS has made it an ideal choice for heavy traffic sites like e-commerce stores as well. It is also suitable for memory-intensive activities like developing applications using 3D graphics.

NodeJS的高速度使其成为电子商务商店等高流量站点的理想选择。 它还适用于内存密集型活动,例如使用3D图形开发应用程序。

On the other hand, because of the lower speed, Python is not an ideal choice for real-time applications. It is also not suggested to use Python in memory-intensive applications.

另一方面,由于速度较低,Python并不是实时应用程序的理想选择。 不建议在内存密集型应用程序中使用Python。

简介:NodeJS在开发数据和内存密集型应用程序方面胜过Python。 (Summary: NodeJS wins over Python for developing data and memory-intensive applications. )



7. Node.js与Python:性能 (7. Node.js vs Python: Performance)


Performance is directly related to the speed of the application. This speed is the rate at which your code can be executed. This is the chief feature that we look for in any programming tool.

性能直接关系到应用程序的速度。 该速度是执行代码的速度。 这是我们在任何编程工具中都需要的主要功能。

The comparison of Python and Node.js on this parameter is not tough. We all know that NodeJS is based on Google Chrome’s version 8. It is a very powerful and fast engine. This has made the speed and performance of NodeJS extremely high.

Python和Node.js在此参数上的比较并不困难。 我们都知道NodeJS基于Google Chrome的版本8。它是一个非常强大且快速的引擎。 这使NodeJS的速度和性能变得极高。

In comparison to Python, NodeJS wins in speed and performance. This is why it is preferred for chatting or messaging app development. While Python is not recommended in data-intensive run-time applications.

与Python相比,NodeJS在速度和性能上均胜出。 这就是为什么它是聊天或消息传递应用程序开发的首选。 虽然不建议在数据密集型运行时应用程序中使用Python。

Therefore, if your idea revolves around chatting functionalities then NodeJS is a better choice than Python. Select according to the core purpose of your web development project.

因此,如果您的想法围绕聊天功能展开,那么NodeJS比Python是更好的选择。 根据您的Web开发项目的核心目的进行选择。

简介:NodeJS比Python快得多。 (Summary: NodeJS is significantly faster than Python.)

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8. Node.js vs Python:错误处理 (8. Node.js vs Python: Error Handling)


When the developers write codes, errors are an unavoidable part. The convenience and transparency in detecting errors are quite important when it comes to a programming tool. The tools we are discussing here are efficient in handling errors.

当开发人员编写代码时,错误是不可避免的部分。 对于编程工具,检测错误的便利性和透明性非常重要。 我们在这里讨论的工具可以有效地处理错误。

Although, Python has an upper hand here as it takes lesser time to fix the bugs as well as errors. Node.js also has a good command in catching exceptions that occur during code execution.

虽然,Python在这里占有优势,因为它花费较少的时间来修复错误和错误。 Node.js在捕获代码执行过程中发生的异常方面也有很好的命令。

So, error handling will not suffer if you choose any of the two programming tools for the development of your website. This will also reduce the overall completion time and increases the chances of getting a robust website in the first attempt.

因此,如果您选择两种编程工具中的任何一种来开发网站,那么错误处理都不会受到影响。 这也将减少整体完成时间,并增加首次尝试获得强大网站的机会。

简介:NodeJS和Python在捕获和抛出错误方面几乎相等。 (Summary: NodeJS and Python are almost equal in catching and throwing errors. )



9. Node.js vs Python:用例 (9. Node.js vs Python: Use cases)

Node.js use case:

领英 (LinkedIn)

: One of the largest platforms for interaction among professionals. Node.js has successfully managed its ever-growing user base. Loads of messages, as well as connections, are very well taken care of by the high-speed attribute of this Javascript framework.

:专业人士之间最大的互动平台之一。 Node.js已成功管理其不断增长的用户群。 此Javascript框架的高速属性可以很好地处理消息和连接的负载。

易趣 (eBay)

: A famous e-commerce store for C2C and B2C sales operations is used worldwide. The ability of Node.js for handling heavy traffic sites and data-intensive applications has been appreciated by eBay.

:在全球范围内都有一家著名的C2C和B2C销售运营电子商务商店。 eBay赞赏Node.js处理高流量站点和数据密集型应用程序的能力。

Mozilla (Mozilla)

: Node.js is a programming tool that has allowed the same language to be used on both sides. Mozilla considers it a team consolidation tool as Node.js is used for both the client-side development and server-side development for its browser.

:Node.js是一种编程工具,已允许在双方使用相同的语言。 Mozilla认为它是一个团队整合工具,因为Node.js用于其浏览器的客户端开发和服务器端开发。

Python Use Cases:

联合太空联盟 (United Space Alliance)

: For the NASA shuttle program software development, they chose Python. The massive data processing and ability to serve complex programs of Python programming language impressed them.

:对于NASA航天飞机程序软件的开发,他们选择了Python。 庞大的数据处理能力和为复杂的Python编程语言程序提供服务的能力给他们留下了深刻的印象。

频发 (Frequentis)

: The straightforward syntax of Python allowed this air traffic management, transport, and public safety solution provider to use it. Python is used for developing navigation and weather condition monitoring instruments of the company.

:Python的直接语法使该空中交通管理,运输和公共安全解决方案提供商可以使用它。 Python用于开发公司的导航和天气状况监视工具。

工业光魔 (Industrial Light and Magic)

: Python eased the process of maintaining outstanding batch processing abilities of ILM. It has proved itself the best choice for the processing of thousands of frames per day.

:Python简化了维护ILM出色的批处理能力的过程。 它已被证明是每天处理数千帧图像的最佳选择。

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结论: (Conclusion:)

In the end, these are the three things that we can conclude:


Python is used more in the entire web but Node.js is more popular among top websites


Node.js provides more scalability, speed, and better performance, so more suitable for data and memory-intensive apps. Python is suitable for more variety of tasks.

Node.js提供了更大的可伸缩性,速度和更好的性能,因此更适合于数据和内存密集型应用程序。 Python适用于更多种类的任务。

Both Node.js and python are easy to learn and settle errors efficiently.


I hope that after reading this complete post, you have a clear idea about the most suitable programming tool for your web app development project. All web technologies are efficient in one or the other way, you just need to find out the most suitable one according to your business goals.

我希望阅读完这篇完整的文章后,您对适用于Web应用程序开发项目的最合适的编程工具有一个清晰的认识。 所有Web技术都以一种或另一种方式高效运行,您只需要根据您的业务目标找出最合适的一种即可。

If you have any suggestions or additions for this blog, then please share them with me in the comment section below. I am open to a healthy and informative discussion with readers because I believe that knowledge increases with sharing.

如果您对此博客有任何建议或补充,请在下面的评论部分与我分享。 我乐于与读者进行健康,有益的讨论,因为我相信知识会随着分享而增加。



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